Sponsor An Event
Become A Mission Partner
Your sponsorship of an event is a wonderful opportunity to make a lasting impression on the communities of Beaver County and showcase your organization while doing it.
Easter Egg Hunt
We provide a free community event to help strengthen families and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Lenten Luncheons
A light meal with meatless options will be provided followed by a brief message about the Lenten season.

Healthy Kids Day
Healthy Kids Day is all about getting our community excited to make healthy choices! It’s a team effort!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
This year our goal is to provide 35 families with a complete Thanksgiving dinner.
Trunk or Treat
Free event that’s open to the community to give families the opportunity to have fun TOGETHER.
Ice Cream with Santa
The holidays bring people together, not just families. This event helps do both, plus there’s SANTA!
Golf Outing
Participation in this very worthwhile event supports the programs that benefit the young people of Beaver County.
Daddy Daughter Tea Party
A fun afternoon for a dad to bond and have special time with his daughter(s).
YMCA Childcare Center
The Beaver County YMCA is dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable childcare
for families in our community. As one of the Nation’s largest providers of childcare, the
YMCA is committed to providing family-centered, value-based programs to nurture your
child’s healthy development.
Camp Rise
Camp Rise offers six weeks of summer day camp which will be full of exciting and challenging activities designed for school-aged children with intellectual disabilities.
Empty Bowls
We partner with Stray Cat Studio (bowls) and Crop & Kettle (caterer), in efforts to raise money for our food service program that served 102,884 meals to the youth in our county in 2023.
SilverSneakers Picnic
An opportunity for fellowship and laughter amongst our SilverSneakers members.