The Beaver County YMCA is excited to announce that we are the recipient of the 2024 Child Hunger Hero award from Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. This honor is given to schools and community partners who go above and beyond in feeding kids in our community. We are proud of the hard work of our food service staff and are honored that we are one of the 43 winners to receive the award this year. For more information and the full list of winners, please click here.
Food Locker
As part of our continued commitment to fight hunger in Beaver County, we are pleased to now offer a food locker system located in the YMCA lobby. This free service is available to any Beaver County residents; however, registration is required to participate. For more information on how to sign-up or how to help fill lockers, please contact Kourtney Shoop, Food Service Director at or 724-891-8439 x 310.
Neighborly is your go-to resource to connect with everything from food and housing to medical care. Neighborly lends a hand to help you find free or reduced-cost community resources near you.
Please use the search box below to search for resources and assistance.
The Food Locker will be replacing our monthly Food Pantry Distribution. If you, or anyone you know, needs food assistance, please contact us!
Youth Supper
All Beaver County youth ages 18 or younger are welcome to enjoy a home-cooked meal from 6-630PM at the YMCA Childcare. Parents can pick up their kids at 6:30pm in the main lobby. Feel free to stop by after swimming, child watch or after youth activities. Each student will also receive snacks to take home. Join us @ The YMCA Childcare on Wednesdays 1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/16, & 5/14.
Kids in the Kitchen
Experience the joy of cooking! Our children can roll up their sleeves and learn how to cook, bake and decorate in the kitchen! This program is geared for ages 8-14, and helps kids build confidence and skills in the kitchen. Classes are taught by chefs from Crop and Kettle and take place on Tuesday January 21, February 19 and March 18 at the YMCA Commons. The cost is only $10 per session or $25 for all three sessions. Pre-registration is required.
Lenten Luncheon

Don’t miss our Lenten Luncheon Series on Fridays March 7, March 21, and April 4 from 12-1 pm in the YMCA Commons. Let’s take a little extra time during this special season to fully appreciate the sacrifice of Christ for us at the cross. A light lunch will be served, followed by a brief devotional message afterwards. (Meatless meal options are available). Free tickets are available at the front desk, but donations will be accepted. We hope to see you there.
Good Friday Brunch

Plan to join us on April 18 in the YMCA Commons at 9:00 am for an annual Beaver County YMCA tradition, our Good Friday Brunch. For only $5 you can enjoy an assortment of food items followed by a brief time of reflection regarding the significance of Good Friday in the life of Christian believers today. Beginning March 5, tickets will be available at the front desk.