Summer, Summer, Summer time
With no sunshine in sight for the next few days, my brain is focused on summer! What are we going to do this year, where are we going to go, what are the kids going to do, what can I do to get them off the screens! The Y has you and your kiddos covered! From morning to night, from Summer Day Camp to Youth Basketball League, from Group Exercise to Personal Training; The Y has a way to get active this summer.
- Summer Day Camp is open to kids entering Kindergarten through age 12 (5th and up). Summer Camp is the best place to meet new friends from all over Beaver County. Campers will participate in tons of learning opportunities while building their skill sets. Campers will boost their problem solving skills, making positive choices, engaging in the community, and STEAM.
Summer Camp runs here on-site at the Y Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm. Before and After care is available from 6am-9am & 4pm-6pm.
The Y is proud and honored to announce that the Christ Alliance Church site for Summer Camp will operate this year as well.
This site will operate 8am-5pm.
2. YBL = Youth Basketball League – One of our most popular youth programs ever! Led by Coach Tim and staff, participants learn skills and put them into practice at a game usually held on Saturday. The league will follow all CDC guidelines at the time the season operates. Hurry! Early Bird pricing ends Saturday, May 15!