Hunger does not take a day off. One in five children suffer from child hunger. Since the start of the pandemic, Beaver County residents have donated over 16,000 meals to fight child hunger in our neighborhood.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa
As school starts, the Beaver County YMCA will transition as well. Most schools in Beaver County are either online for the first nine weeks or doing hybrid schooling. Children are receiving a brown-bag lunch for days they are not in school. Remember, since March our youth haven’t had access to warm meals. And the Beaver County YMCA wants to put an end to the lack of access while providing a safe space for our youth. The Y will be traveling around the community in our “Food Truck” providing hot dinners for the community along with some fun activities.
How can you help? By donating menu items for the hot dinners the Beaver County YMCA will serve. The Y will be collecting frozen dinner entries starting Friday September 18th. Dinner items to consider donating are box of pasta, hot dogs and buns, chicken nuggets, hamburgers and pizza bagel bites.
We will collect the items Monday through Friday (5am-8:30pm) at the Member Service Desk of the Beaver County YMCA. These kids are depending on us, the time is now.